Friday, June 12, 2009

North V South Coaches Named

Congratulations to Roslan Saad & Stewart Lomax on being appointed as the Two North coaches for North V South games , Pick your teams Mens and Womens and see how close you get to the teams picked. Im sure Roslan and Stewart will do the North teams proud.


  1. Agree Governess, good choices as coach, but also surprised Tommy didnt get it again, maybe busy with younger teams??? Hopefully all players will put their hands up and stand for selection and kick some southern butt?

    My team, supposing a standard (boring) 4-4-2 (which the south will also play, as usual)???

    GK - Pooley
    Def - R. Hughes, Hingston, C. Eaves, Luck
    Mid - Ambrose, Baker, Howe, Lo
    For - Roach, McKenna
    Subs - B. Eaves, Bremner, Sessay, K. Johnson, C. Smith

    Emergencies - A. Smith, Claxton, Gratton, Beardwood

  2. GK:Pooley
    DF:Claxton Luck Gratton S.Hughes
    MF:Ambrose Hingston Howe Lo
    FW:Mckenna Bremner

    Subs: Roach kakduamne R.Hughes Beardwood

  3. Probably a tad too many Rangers in there, but forgive me, as i see them every week, others Bobby Eaves, Campbell from River, Scilino, Budgeon, Ashely Smith, Kaimon Johnson, Sessay, Baker, Mann, Gibson from Burnie so there are a few to go for. Doubt Derek Schipper will be interested seem mainly focussed on club stuff these days.

  4. GK - Pooley
    DF - R Hughes Wilson Hingston Luck
    MF - Ambrose Howe Roach Lo
    FW - McKenna Bremner

    Subs: B Eaves, Claxton, Baker, A Smith

  5. Men:

    GK- Pooley
    DF- Claxton Hingston Johnson Luck
    MF- Ambrose Howe Smith Roach
    FW- Mckenna Bremner

    Subs: B.Eaves, Lo, TT, Hughes


    GK: Nunn
    DF: Clifford, de Bomford, Reardon, Costello
    MF: Dixon, Brazendale, Foote, Lamprey
    FW: Smith, McCulloch

    Subs: Couch, Wheatley, Mitchell, Norton

  6. It's good to see your comments Striker04 it shows someone actually cares about the womens game.
    As coach of the womens Northern team I have been and watched a lot of games this season (all teams)not just when my team is playing, it's been a good insight as to how other teams play against each other, so when I pick my Squad it wont be only based on how players have performed against my team,but others as well, I'll be picking players on form not name, I do like your inclusions of the young one's, is there anyone else out there who has a team they think should be the one,?
    Stewart Lomax.

  7. From FFT website:

    North v South Representative matches
    Aurora Stadium - July 26
    Mens Match - 10:10am ( prior to A-League match )
    Women's Match - 3:15pm ( after the A-League match )

  8. Great to see the women playing after the A-league match! It would have made more sense to play the A League match at 3:15 as unfortunately, many will just go straight home after the A league game. Surely it could have been thought out better!!
    After all i suppose, we are dealing with FFT!!!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Shano agreed this is a great result for Women's football! However do not go baggging the FFT - if it was not for their assistance / persistance it would not have happened - instead of knocking the FFT on this - why not stand up and support them for they do to help the the game overall. This is a great achievement the FFT has given the Girls - instead of going straight home after the main game - stay and watch what the girls have to offer - you will be surprised!

  11. fresh from a stint overseas i'll have a crack at naming a side that will towel up the southerners - just an aside Rangers Pres, quality side you guys have got (no doubt) but not many even in the squad...don't want to be seen playing favourites i spose.!

    GK: Pooley (no question) but why is the River keepeer in the squad? Beardwood having another great yr!

    DF: C.Eaves Luck R. Hughes K. Johnston

    MF: Ambrose Howe Hingston Mulraney (not in squad but scoring goals in the league and runs all day)

    FD: McKenna Sessay

    Bench: TT, Bremner (not in squad??), Roach, S.Hughes

  12. Yeah Twang, guess the idea was to get peope from all clubs involved first, once we ascertain who is in and out, we then will fill the gaps if needed with uninvited players. Good to have all clubs involved, so you may well see Mr Bremner bob up in squad in next week or 2.

  13. "we" - are you a selector?

    i agree that every club should be given the opportunity to be represented but when it comes to the team surely the best players should be selected regardless of their club...after all, once in the northern colours you're representing the northern league first and your club second.

    as for uninvited players, i have already heard that quite a few players have declined the invitation, so there are (more than likely) going to be more players invited (quite a few that should've been in the original squad)

  14. the best players nearly always get asked, but rarelly turn will be the same this year as last we'll patch a team together. no-one wants to do it any more apart from the select few.

  15. Not a selector Twang Team manager champ!

  16. invitations have been sent out, when will intial squads be announced?

  17. Just working through things now and still havent heard from everyone. Hopefully by early next week. Mens training is next Monday night at Valley Rd.

  18. Striker04,just waiting for one club for it's players to accept or decline the invitations all others have accepted this exciting challenge for the womens game.Soon as I know i'll put it out there, I won't wait to long though.
    I would like to announce John Crooks (Rangers) as my assistant,his committment to improving recognition of the womens game, especially this Aurora game is unchallenged.
    Stewart Lomax.

  19. thanks for clearing that up Pres...sorry, champ. Good luck managing the team

  20. 16 of 25 invited have confirmed availability at moment.

    3 from dport
    4 from NR
    1 from Somerset
    2 from Knights
    1 from Lonnie Utd
    1 from Lonnie city
    2 from Riverside
    2 from Ulvie

  21. Northern Womens Squad 20 invites, 20 acceptances. Squad to be named shortly
    Utas 1
    Somerset 1
    Burnie 3
    Devonport 5
    City 5
    Knights 1
    Rangers 4
    Stewart Lomax

  22. Did they have 16 at training last week for the rep side?
    Its the same old story, the best players don't put their hands up which is poor. I can understand in some regards, as its alot of travel committment for training when you only play 2/3 games for nothing really. The South have it easy as everyone is close to each other!
    Rangers Pres, surely the coach didnt pick the entire squad himself as he wouldnt know many players names. You must have had some minor input or did the coaches nominate players like last year? I have heard of a few names and i am suprised by some selections as there are better players in some teams who missed out!

  23. One more has shown his intention to be part of the squad and 2 more added to make a squad of 19:

    Lonnie Utd=1
    Lton City=1

  24. Northern Women’s Select – as registered with FFT.


    COACH: Stewart Lomax -Devonport Strikers
    Asst. Coach: John Crooks - Northern Rangers
    Team Manager: Angela Lomax
    Sports Trainer: Donna McClaymont


    Natalie Reardon UTAS
    Arlene Crooks Northern Rangers
    Rebecca Wheatley Northern Rangers
    Marlugu Dixon Northern Rangers
    Kristy Eltringham Northern Rangers
    Linsay DaCosta Launceston City
    Kylie Jones Launceston City
    Caitlyn Storey Launceston City
    Jodie Clifford Prospect Knights
    Samantha Hardy Devonport
    Krysie Jeffery Devonport
    Kendell Brazendale Devonport
    Rebecca Costello Devonport
    Sage Lamprey Devonport
    Cassinia Devries Devonport
    Danielle Mitchell Ulverstone
    Karla McCulloch Burnie
    Emma Norton Burnie
    Megan De Bomford Burnie
    Vanessa Williams Somerset

  25. Congratulations to all girls in the Squad for the Northern Team. Good luck with your first training this weekend. All of these girls are worthy and there are many more out there. A special mention goes out to Coach Stewart & Assistant John, who fought hard to get the Aurora Stadium game. These girls are lucky to have you both. Also on the staff is Donna (sports trainer) & Ange (Team Manager) a change is coming and there is exiting times ahead for Womens Football. Good Luck to you all and lets promote this event as much as we can. I hope there will be more publicity for all games, men & women.

  26. Thanks Rascal,you are right in what you say,Congrats to all who will carry the Northern Flag with pride,John & I both know there are many more players out there,and hope one day they get their opportunity,to embark on an exciting journey like the one we are on now.
    The pleasing thing is the current squad are excited about playing at Aurora, we only had 3 players decline the invitation (Funnily all from the same club,that club!!).
    We John & I WILL DO THE BEST WE CAN in promoting this series on behalf of our girls.
    Stewart Lomax.

  27. I stumbled on this blog by accident, but pleased that I did. We need to encourage other supporters of soccer to take a look. Clubs/coaches should give the address out to encourage players to have a say and know what is going on. To the Governess, you have done a brilliant job and your hard work is appreciated. Lets get the word out there!!

  28. The Northern Women's squad trained last night at the NTCA > all players attended and put in a great nights work for which they should all be proud. Well done Girls!!
