Friday, August 7, 2009

The Season Is Coming to an end your thoughts on who will take out the Northern Prem League B&F in mens & womens & your thoughts on Referee of the year


  1. Please Keep these comments constructive and no name calling look for ways of improving the bad rather than feeding it with bad comments

  2. Young Player of the Year - Brayden Mann?

  3. good luck whoevers making that call

    howie brayden or sam hughes?

  4. Yes orlando, a tough one, i expect it to be quite tight at the top as the rounds go by!

    Im going to call it the year of the young guns!

    Sean Howe for me!

    Parr of sasa for Ref!

  5. Brayden for me too David - first year senior player and also a chance at the Golden Boot. Sam Hughes wouldnt be far off.

  6. Great to see a few new names & faces pop up this year. Mitch, I don't think there's been an award for young player of the year (maybe there should be) but Brayden would have to be a chance for the George Dale. Sam Hughes has probably been the youngster that has impressed me the most though. Both these lads are genuine chances and I don't know if they'll have too many team mates taking votes off them.

    Rightly or wrongly, more often than not if you score goals - you'll poll votes (I should know!).

    Has Sasa refereed much this year?? I know we got him heaps last year but have only had him once this year in the now infamous game against Burnie!! I personally don't think the standard of refereeing has been as bad as in some previous years. My biggest concern is some of the referees assistants. Some can't control the reserves games & have very little concept of the offside rule. I hope, like us players, they are on a learning curve & continue to improve. They may be all we have soon!! Chris Parr or Tony Cocker for ref of the year for me.

  7. Roach from Somerset will walk away with B & F.

  8. Does anyone have anything to say about the state finals series for the women which has been cancelled?

    (I would expect some form the mens side of the game along the lines of nobody cares anyway), but what about some of you that are coaches and players from the top 4/5 teams in the league.

    Lomax, what are you doing? Why haven't Devonort committed to the final series?

    Crooksie, what are you doing? Aren't you on the Womens standing committee? Why haven't Rangers committed?

    You two have bleated on all year on this blog but it would seem all a bit of puffery. You guys talk a lot about the promotion of the womens game in the north all year, then when there is a bit of counter comment that knocks you off you high horeses, you both loose you tongues.

    I know that Ulverstone and Launceston City have both committed to the series and should be congratulated for doing so.


  9. Juan

    It was apparently canned because of a lack of support from the SOUTHERN clubs because of the late indication (24th July) that it was being proposed.

    It is my understanding that it was the Womens Standing Committee that pushed for the finals series (as it pushed for Womens North v South match to be on same day as mens) - but if the clubs dont support it there isnt much the Standing Committee or FFT can do.

  10. That's sad really as the competition could have been another stride forward for womens soccer. It is also very disappointing to see that some clubs have indicated that they weren't given enough notice. The final 4 was a discussion item at the presidents meetings at the beginning of the season as far as I am aware.

    Anyway my questions still stand unanswered, why then didn't all of the clubs in contention for the NWPL final 4 commit to then put pressure on the South


  11. G'day Juan

    Obviously this topic needs to be discussed - many questions to be answered but perhaps this part of the blog isn't the right place given the heading. Maybe in the Women's Premier League section?

  12. UMM what was the topic of this thread again...

    Your probably right there Chris about sasa, im going with Parr!

    Chance > Roach will be up there, but i hope a true northerner wins it!!!

  13. What about Toddles or Funky? how have their seasons been? both looked really good in Steve Hudson, but that was a while ago now. Could Kenny do it again?? golden boot and as you say Kenny 'goals score votes'

  14. Hi all...seems the popularity of this blog just keeps growing

    NPL Player of the year may be very tight this year...last year Kenny ran away with it in the tail end of the season (from memory), but i have been told he has missed a couple of games. I think Brayden Mann attracts a lot of attention, and will poll well in his first season at this level. Several Rangers pop to mind (have seen only a hanful of games tho)...the funk, hingston, nicholson etc...but may suffer from the same problem as geelong cats. big fan of rob hughes too

    i'd rather not comment on the womens, as you get hell for it apparently :) but i'll say Natalie Reardon of UTAS, heaps of respect for her

    As for the referee...there used to be a dead race in this, with Chris Parr the undisputed, and quite rightly so...can remember maybe last year, Bad boy you made a comment re his application of the advantage rule, and i couldn't agree more. but this year i think Tony Cocker has put his hand up. hes in his third year and keeps improving. with the right support from fft this will continue. unfortunately, Chris, you're right. i have been flat out and available at best every second week, even then skipping out to do a game and then getting back to work. makes travel rather difficult, so i haven't been up on nw coast as much as i'd like to. hopefully this will change next year

    in any case, the system will ensure that all our winners are deserved

  15. David Aitkens for referee of the year. Shows great maturity and man management skills. Has immense knowledge of the game, and rules in a just and fair way, never showing any bias. I think it is a pitty that the financial reward for such excellence is so little....

  16. I'm tipping the 'supafly' is taking the piss!!

  17. its going to be a very hard one this year, so many good players out there from all clubs, they all problems with good teams like devonport & rangers is that players takes votes of each other.

  18. Easily Parr from Cocker, Sahsa in third for the refs.

    As for B&F, I would think that Tom Roach would be hard to beat, and as always Kenny and Toddles looked to both have had a great year as well, (refs generally look to name players who are in good form), but young Robbie Hughes, Sam Hughes and Brayden Mann will push all the way? Dark horses Mark Baker, Kaimon Johnson and Ashley Smith, gee I have nearly named everyone, WILL BE CLOSE :)

  19. Paulie Bremner - my dark horse. Will win it on 'mom' performances...not on consistancy!

  20. My Tip is Tom Roach or Paul Bremner
    Dont quote me but hasnt Parr been Injured? Dont Forget our old mate Harry for Ref of the year

  21. Fair chance Kenny!

  22. tom roach will go pretty good.
    fuck somerset would have been shit without him.

  23. After watching the Nth Rang V Dev game Todd Hingston will give this a shake and as for the ref of the year, the ref in the reserve game Tony Cocker will give this a shake and after having him a few times this year I found him to be conssistant all year. Congratulations to all the winners when they are all announced

  24. Yeah toddy was all over them. good luck to all

  25. braydon would suit me,my hopes are that he pushes on.i can remember working down the coast,and watching that kid honing his skills with some mates in the rocket park,push on mate and do yourself proud.refs no fan but i guess weve got to have em ,i like old harry,at least hes human....jokes..however parr for me is the best ref.and it should be him.that is picking the best,not how many games he officiated,due to injury. trent mitchell in the under 18s due to the amount of games he played in this league however some really great young men playing out of that league that would have thrown doubt on that call.good luck to all in the various counts ,both club and league ,ill be somewhere about next year with my,..(just ask me )well informed comment ,over a keg of beer.
