Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Final Four For Womens Game Sadly Missed Why?


  1. We try and give the Womens game the lift that it needs and then at the last minuet no one is there to support it , FFT cant be to blame for everything some of the responsability falls back on the clubs. This is an opurtunity greatly missed. The Womens game had a lot of support on here early in the Year and now it has falling away. Come on We have World cup coming up and we need to Promote this great Game of ours lets all get Behind it.

  2. Governess -
    the remarks below by JUAN is enough to NOT want to come on the blog.

    "Crooksie, what are you doing? Aren't you on the Womens standing committee? Why haven't Rangers committed?

    You two have bleated on all year on this blog but it would seem all a bit of puffery. You guys talk a lot about the promotion of the womens game in the north all year, then when there is a bit of counter comment that knocks you off you high horeses, you both loose you tongues.

    I know that Ulverstone and Launceston City have both committed to the series and should be congratulated for doing so.


    JUAN -
    YES I am on the WSC and YES Northern Rangers were committed to the final series as were all top 5 clubs in the North. Sorry I was not aware I had to notify you personaly (you are hereby notified) Sorry if my actions on behalf of Women's Football was 'bleating' in your eyes, but with all your 20 yrs experience - put it to good use next season show me how to do things better - put your money where your mouth is as they say and get on the WScommittee and Coach a Northern Women's side (all will be vacant soon) so no excuses LOL

    JUAN why not contact the clubs in the South BEFORE posting.

  3. Juan, you are a waste of space! Enough Said!

  4. John,
    I wish to apologise for my comments. It is just frustrating to see an opportunity missed.

  5. Capt,
    Thanks for you inciteful citique. Shame you don't read your own comments

  6. Captain Australia love the way you call a spade a spade.

  7. Why do the final 4 play hobart anyway?? why cant it be based on top 4 in your own league?? isn't that why you play sport to make the finals then have another crack at top teams. who wants to travel to hobart or launceston?? it should just be within own league

  8. ps.thats how i feel, what about everyone else??

  9. Juggernaut - Why would you want to play top 4 in your own league, if that's the case...just extend the roster by playing each other 3 times instead of 2. I think it is fantastic if you are able to play Southern teams, that way it is a truly Tasmanian competition. From reading through this blog for some time, I think comments like this are backwards when it is apparent that we are trying to take this game forwards. As for the travelling, what's the difference from travelling to Hobart than to Somerset???

  10. Isn't that what hockey leagues & some football leagues do? play finals in there own leagues. isn't finals what sports is all about, you play to make the top final spots & then play 3v4 etc tec

  11. Smokinjoe I guess the womens final series WAS going to mirror the senior mens state final series that the clubs had pushed for.

    The idea (in mens anyway) to have normal league season then have the best 4 clubs from each league play off for the state championship. This replaces the normal one off game between the Northern winner and Southern winner (as the women will be gain this year). Get it?

  12. Lets hope that the final 4 series gets off the ground next year. Great opportunity to provide a high level/intensity of games as we will see with the mens finals

  13. can anyone shed some light? didn't all clubs in the north support the final 4?

  14. City and Ulv confirmed as far as I know?

  15. And Rangers, as it has been clearly stated over and over again Juan!

  16. Pretty sure all were in principal in favour. Yes and Juan for the 18th time we supported it!!!!

  17. This is to advise one and all. .
    Women's Final Four Series for 2010 will be on the FFT agenda taken into consideration when planning the 2010 roster. ALL Clubs will be notified at the commencement of the 2010 season. Please note for those interested . . . FFT website has been advertising that the Women's Standing Committee will be hosting a workshop/BBQ this Sunday in Hobart - see the FFT website for full details for those wishing to attend
