Please Put Positive Input On How This Can Be Fixed Please Find Below Something For You All To Read On How To Deal With the Situation During A Game .
Try and see the Soccer play from the point of view of the Referee.When time permits,after the game or maybe at half time,Camly discuss your opinion with the referee.
Consider the position of the Referee. The duty of the referee is to ensure the safety of all the palyers on the field.He/she may not be doing a bang up job,but are they keeping all the players safe?
Last,see it as a growing opportunity.Teams never get to pick the Referees.Good teams will be able to win even with a referee that isnt in top notch. See a bad Referee as an extra obstacle that can help you improve.
Well.. what can I say!
ReplyDeletereferees have a hard job and most of them perform it reasonably well.However there are some that seem to want to show too much that they are the bossfor the reason I think they are not the boss at home.Some single out several players consistantly and even if they look at the ref..they are booked.Those types are never wrong!!!!
We do however have the good ones that even if they make a mistake it goes down to being human...This to start things rolling I hope.
I agree with the comment about players CALMLY discussing the game and any incidents with the referees after the game. I think this often helps players and referees clear up things that were perceived to have happened on the field. The referee can't change his decision and the player may not change his point of view, but if the matters are discussed calmly, every one has a chance to learn.
ReplyDeleteThe more the players learn the Laws of the Game also helps, as sometimes the referee is required to act in a certain way, and this may go down badly with the player. For example, in many cases, the Laws say that if a player commits a certain offence he/she MUST be cautioned etc. If the referee doesn't do so, he is not following the laws and doing his job.
Believe it or not, sometimes we referees don't necessarily agree that an offence warrants a caution, but if we don't follow the Laws - we get in trouble.
That should start a discussion!
We all understand the laws of the game and the ref's responsibility mafref. The point in contentrion is the even implimentation of these laws.Some referees can read different laws for different players and please do not tell me I am wrong as I have been playing and watching the game for many years now.
ReplyDeleteIf the laws were implemented the same for everyone then that would be ok. You will tell me that refs are human and make mistakes and I accept that, except when they are deliberate and intentional ones.
When a ref gets on the ground...every player should be an angel until he does something wrong..but I am sure you will agree that some refs have [players marked and if they breath a bit heavily they will be booked or sent of.
Thank you for taking part in this importanr discussion and hope other players and refs do the same.
mmmm, a touchy subject with some, but here's my two bobs worth.
ReplyDeleteConsistency throughout a game, consistency throughout the season, consistancy between all Northern Premier League refs, thats all anyone can ask?
In reality however all we get is, inconsistency in matches, for the season and totally different interpretations between our refs?
In the old days, refs had team talks, told them what they wouldn't put up with, how they interpret the rules and all have a good one, then they tried to stay consistent all game. All of the players knew where they stood, how the game was to reffed and played accordingly - give it a go guys, it cant hurt?
Logan, I have become aware of allegations about a referee supposedly making comments about 'singling out' a player in a very recent game, and this maybe driving your comments. For the record, my view is that if a referee does behave like this, the Club should formally report it to FFT. We don't need that sort of behaviour in our game. Every game should be a 'new start' and no-one should have pre-conceived ideas about how anyone is going to perform. That includes referees to players and vice versa.
ReplyDeleteBad Boy, you remember when we used to go into the sheds before a game and give a briefing -I for one believe we should still be doing this as it helps to build rapport. Likewise, I believe we should be doing sessions on the Laws of the Game to all clubs before the season starts, and at any other time on request. (You might be amazed at the lack of knowledge about the Laws by senior players, and that existed back in our time as much as today).
My only disagreement with you is on the absolute consistency argument - referees are individuals, just like players. Players get things wrong, so do referees. A player shoots at goal and misses - no one complains.
In any 'bad' tackle for example, the ref will see it a particular way, the team winning the foul will want the other player punished and the offending player will plead innocence. Next tackle could be the opposite way round! The ref gives what he sees, from the angle he is at. Not always perfect, but so far no-one has come up with a better way!
Why don't we have a session with the Clubs so we can talk about these issues??
Agree maref, but all I ever wanted was to know how far I could "stretch" the rules, or how I should watch my tackles, from start of game to end? Most today start of lenient the go harsher with decisions as the games progress - all should try and be consistent (and that means protect the ball players from the start-ugly tackles not needed in first or last minute)?
ReplyDeleteSitting in Melb with no results! Come on people how about some chat on the games
ReplyDeletenigel check out "the local game" blog spot - it has all the weekends results.
ReplyDeletewhich makes me wonder why there is no talk on here about the actual season...
I have to say that despite best intentions this site needs more time than "The Governess" appears to have.
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ReplyDeleteGood value here! www.thelocalgame.blogspot.com/
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